sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

F 425..... To be continued!

Hi, it's my first post in English, to thank the "views" of all people around the World.
So, this is an other Sketch about Super Race Cars, here I try to explore more of the theme.
My next post I'll try to make an interior for a sport car.

If anybody would like to do any opinion..... it's open! Will be very nice!

3 comentários:

  1. Ae Máquina do Photoshop, vulgo, Muller!!! hauhauha
    Tá loks!!
    tou fazaendo umas alfetas!!!
    depois posto aqui...o problema será o Fotoxopi!! hauahuahuhuaah
    estrelinha de ouro!!

  2. wow show feh!!! Quero ver o interior, tenho certeza q ficara incrivel =)
    Joaozito posta as alfetones ai queremos ver!!! ;-)

  3. Tá muuito bom Fe!
    Não que eu entenda muito, mas tá bem bonito!

    Beijo =]
