Hi, it's my first post in English, to thank the "views" of all people around the World.
So, this is an other Sketch about Super Race Cars, here I try to explore more of the theme.
My next post I'll try to make an interior for a sport car.
If anybody would like to do any opinion..... it's open! Will be very nice!
Ae Máquina do Photoshop, vulgo, Muller!!! hauhauha
ResponderExcluirTá loks!!
tou fazaendo umas alfetas!!!
depois posto aqui...o problema será o Fotoxopi!! hauahuahuhuaah
estrelinha de ouro!!
wow show feh!!! Quero ver o interior, tenho certeza q ficara incrivel =)
ResponderExcluirJoaozito posta as alfetones ai queremos ver!!! ;-)
Tá muuito bom Fe!
ResponderExcluirNão que eu entenda muito, mas tá bem bonito!
Beijo =]